[LinuxPPS] need git help

Jon Schewe jon.schewe at honeywell.com
Wed Nov 1 20:09:48 CET 2006

As Udo pointed out.  I'm having some real problems here.

What I want to do seems fairly simple.  I want to use linuxpps with
kernel 2.6.18.  I read
and concluded that the following is what I was supposed to do, please
correct me where I'm wrong.

git clone
cd linux-2.6.18.y
git checkout -b pps 
git pull git://git.enneenne.com/linuxpps master

This didn't work, it gave me failures on merge.  Udo suggested that this
should work.  So I tried a different approach:
In a new directory:
git clone
git pull git://git.enneenne.com/linuxpps master
cd linuxpps
git-diff linux-vanilla master > ../patch
cd ../linux-2.6.18.y
patch -p1 < ../patch

This fails also.

http://lug.htc.honeywell.com/people/jschewe [Honeywell Intranet Only]
*My views may not represent those of my employers

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