[LinuxPPS] LinuxPPS 5.0.0-rc1

Rodolfo Giometti giometti at enneenne.com
Thu Aug 9 09:07:57 CEST 2007


I just published the first patch of the "new era". :)


This patch implements each PPS source as a char device and it respects
all suggestions from Linux and NTP gurus.

As already reported in previous letters you need some chenges into
refclocks which do not work like PARSE refclock, in fact each refclock
should consider that a GPS device might be different from a PPS source
device. Please refere to PARSE manual for further info.

Please, try this new LinuxPPS version and reposrt




GNU/Linux Solutions                  e-mail:    giometti at enneenne.com
Linux Device Driver                             giometti at gnudd.com
Embedded Systems                     		giometti at linux.it
UNIX programming                     phone:     +39 349 2432127

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