[LinuxPPS] Is there Documentation yet?

Rodolfo Giometti giometti at enneenne.com
Wed May 16 10:27:49 CEST 2007

On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 12:35:45AM -0600, clemens at dwf.com wrote:
> There was a comment that there was documentation added in
> the last update, but if there was I dont see it.
> I asked once before for documentation for the LINUXPPS
> specific routines in timepps.h, and I still dont see anything.
> Specifically documentation for
>     time_pps_readlink	// ok this one is rather obvious.
>     time_pps_findpath
>     time_pps_findsource
> Either inline documentation in timepps.h, or actual MAN pages
> would be ok.  The first would be simpler.

You are right but to do it I need time and currently I have no time to
dedicate to. :'(

I hope to write something useful ASAP. However:

    ret = time_pps_findsource(num, path, STRING_LEN, id, STRING_LEN);

try to find a PPS source by its index and return its id and path.

    time_pps_readlink(link, STRING_LEN, path, STRING_LEN);

try to convert a link name into a path name. I.e. "/dev/gps0" ->

    ret = time_pps_findpath(path, STRING_LEN, id, STRING_LEN);

try to find a PPS source by its path name and return its id.

Please, refere to ppstest.c and timepps.h for more info.




GNU/Linux Solutions                  e-mail:    giometti at enneenne.com
Linux Device Driver                             giometti at gnudd.com
Embedded Systems                     		giometti at linux.it
UNIX programming                     phone:     +39 349 2432127

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