[LinuxPPS] Linuxpps success.

MasonCide forensic at milwpc.com
Sat Nov 17 06:25:05 CET 2007

Hi Rodolfo,

I think things look good with linuxpps.  I know you would rather be 
programming than answering emails.  I used the linuxpps help wiki, but I 
needed to enable debug in the pps kernel config to get pps working.  I tried 
without debug, but I couldn't get it to work.  There is also one other 
possibility:  Perhaps, to get the pps, something has to be using the device 
with the pps signal.  I couldn't see the pps output with ./ppstest /dev/pps0 
unless I was running minicom -o or cat /dev/ttyS0.  I'm using ntp-4.2.2p4.  
He who exalts man's intellect makes himself laughing stock for The Sons of 

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