[LinuxPPS] NTP not using PPS

susmi sarah george sarah_13 at rediffmail.com
Thu Oct 25 18:55:02 CEST 2007


so with these outputs can I confirm that PPS is used by NMEA 

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 Udo van den Heuvel wrote :
>susmi sarah george wrote:
> > i got following outputs, some info are coming related to PPS in log
> > messages. i dont know whether my ntpd is taking PPS or not. so please
> > conform it.
> >
> >
> > [root at localhost log]# ntpq -p
> >     remote          refid      st t when poll reach  delay  offset  jitter
> > ==============================================================================
> > *GPS_NMEA(0)    .GPS.            0 l    8  16  377    0.000  -0.465  0.202
> > LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l  14  64  377    0.000    0.000  0.004
>Your GPS is preferred (see the *).
>It is max reachable (377).
>offset and jitter can improve over time.
>Looks good!
> > So, please tell me what to do next.if its ok how to check  accuracy?
>Let it run for a while.
>You can make statistics and plot graphs.
>Maybe use mrtg or gnuplot, etc.
>Depending on what you want others can explain better than I.
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