[LinuxPPS] Trouble shooting OnCore issues.

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Fri Jun 6 08:34:59 CEST 2008

Got my OnCore today and have it hooked up.  At first I was not getting a PPS 
signal at least as far as as testpps was concerned but the LED on my home brew 
interrface board said it was there.  I did some checking with a VOM and 
confirmed that there was a pulse on pin 1 of my DB9 connector.  So I decided 
to try running WinCore to see if it would see the OnCore.  I was not sure it 
would work since I had not tried it with a real GPS until this evening.  But 
it appears to at least mostly work running under wine.  When running WinCore I 
started getting the PPS signals on /dev/oncore.ppd.0:

# ppstest /dev/oncore.pps.0
trying PPS source "/dev/oncore.pps.0"
found PPS source "/dev/oncore.pps.0"
ok, found 1 source(s), now start fetching data...
source 0 - assert 1212719073.969003916, sequence: 812 - clear  
1212719073.167600808, sequence: 812
source 0 - assert 1212719073.969003916, sequence: 812 - clear  
1212719074.167662836, sequence: 813

WinCore does see the GPS and after running the GPS setup in WinCore it started 
reporting GPS data like signal quality (sucks but I have a better antenna on 
the way) and stuff like that.  So I know the GPS is basically working and that 
my interface is OK.  

After doing more testing I found that any app that did anything with the 
serial port would do this (IE. cat /dev/ttyS1 or gpsd /dev/ttyS1).  I 
remembered seeing this some place and found it in the linuxpps wiki.  OK so I 
know what is going on with this aspect but it raises questions about making 
this stuff so that it does not require manual intervention to get things 
running.  It seems to me that the PPS kernel code should take care of this (IE 
making sure the interupt is not masked).  But I will save that question for 

When I start ntp with or without something holding the port open running I get 
the following in the log:

 5 Jun 19:31:26 ntpd[22121]: configuration of failed

The message says that it is failing to start the oncore driver but it does not 
give any information about why it is failing.   I have no idea what to do next 
to get a handle on what may be happening.  Is there any way to get ntp to log 
more information about why the PPS configuration failed?   I probably have 
something missconfigured but how do I get enough information to find the 
source of the problem?  Are there other trouble shooting steps I should take 
at this point?


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