[LinuxPPS] Cloning git repository, and git diff made a 37 MB patch file

MasonCide forensic at milwpc.com
Fri Nov 16 16:03:15 CET 2007

Hi all

I've used the linuxpps git repository, with success, many times.  I can't get 
it to work anymore.  git-diff linux-vanilla master > mypatch generates a 37 
MB file.  I don't know what to do, or what is wrong.  It worked before.  I 
don't know what changed.  Can I generate diff using my kernel sources 
in /usr/src/linux and my linuxpps clone, like this:

git diff /usr/src/linux master > mydiff.diff?

I tried the ntp-pps-2.6.23-quater.diff off the ftp directory, and it patched 
perfectly with vanilla source, but it's not receiving the pps 
signal.  I tried enabling /dev/ttyS0 with ppsctl, and udev created /dev/pps0, 
but it is character device 254 0, not 253 0 like in the wiki help page.  When 
I used ppstest on /dev/pps0, it timed out many times.  

I tried reading /sys/class/pps/pps0/assert and clear, but the numbers didn't 
change with successive reads.  I did not compile in debug messages with pps.  
Ntp-4.2.2p4, with the NMEA patch from the ntp bugs site, compiles, but 
timex.h is found, but won't compile.  Ntp cannot find a pps source, but 
syslog logs a new pps source when I do ./ppsctl /dev/ttyS0 enable.   

He who exalts man's intellect makes himself laughing stock for The Sons of 

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