[LinuxPPS] NTP not using PPS

susmi sarah george sarah_13 at rediffmail.com
Mon Oct 22 18:37:17 CEST 2007


I am using 
Kernel :2.6.23rc2,
PPS patch: ntp -pps-2.6.23rc2.diff,
NTP version: ntp-4.2.4P4
 I have complied the Kernel with Serial Driver,PPS support as a module.Under the PPS SUPPORT I have selected PPS debugging message,UART serial support.
I am using GPS Receiver TRIMBLE ACE 3 . The Receiver is Configured for TSIP Output and PPS.Data and PPS from GPS receiver is fed to MAX232 and output of MAX232 is fed to DCD pin of serial port.The serial port I have used is ttys3.  
I complied Ntp-4.2.4p4 with USE="parse_clocks"   then i have given like this  
 ln -s /dev/ttyS3 /dev/refclock-3
The relevant part of my ntp.conf is
enable stats 
statsdir /var/log
statics loopstats
logconfig = all  

server mode 138 prefer iburst 
fudge refid TSIP flag3 1 flag2 0 time1 0.042

fudge stratum 10
These are the results after about half an hour:
ntpq -p 
remote       refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
xGENERIC(3) .TSIP. 0  1 39   64   377   0.000 -35.67 35.234
LOCAL(0)   LOCAL(0)1  1  20   64   377   0.000  0.000 0.004
ntp_gettime() returns code 0 (OK)
time CAC57B62.7EC56000,SUN, Oct 21 2007 12:56:43.265, (.265534),maximum error 1061671us, estimated error 2us
ntp_adjtime() returns code 0 (OK)
modes 0x0 (),offset 0.000 us, frequency -0.000 ppm, interval 1s,maximum error 1121063 us, estimated error 2 us,
status 0x1 (PLL),
time constant 6, precision 1.000 us, tolerance 512 ppm,
Information for generic driver is coming in log file.But no info regarding PPS is coming in log file.  But if I am runing the ppstest file I can see PPS data. 

What could be the possible reason for PPS 
not being used?

Please feel free to ask if any more details is required...   

Thanks , 

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