[LinuxPPS] Trouble shooting OnCore issues.

clemens at dwf.com clemens at dwf.com
Tue Jun 10 04:06:48 CEST 2008

Sorry for the delay in answering this, but I was out to Hollywood
for a
	50th Hollywood High School Class Reunion !!!

OK, to ANYONE having problems, or just first setting up an 
ONCORE, the MOST IMPORTANT THING you can do is be
sure you are saving the CLOCKSTATS output to a file, viz

    filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable

I save several of the outputs to a directory and in fact have the code

    statsdir    /var/log/ntpstats/  # directory for statistics files
    filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable
Where I have other finegen lines and everything goes to /var/log/ntpstats

OK, that said, there are error messages printed there that will tell you
exactly why the driver is failing.

AND to answer the question you opened you should NOT ever ever
use the HARDPPS option.  This option is NOT available in linuxPPS
involves a significant amount of kernel code, and may not help the
tmekeeping (at all/all that much).

It was my choice to make it a hard failure and not just a warning.
(but if you had read the clockstats file you would have seen this and
been back up and testing in 5minutes)

Let (me/the list) know how you are doing,  looks like you are close.

                                        reg at dwf.com

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