[LinuxPPS] ntpsec w/ LinuxPPS?

Udo van den Heuvel udovdh at xs4all.nl
Fri Jun 29 10:55:10 CEST 2018

On 21-06-18 14:57, Rodolfo Giometti wrote:
> On 20/06/18 14:59, Udo van den Heuvel wrote:
>> You do NOT have any backups!?!
> No, I'm sorry. The server was donated as is without any backups... :'(

Someone here acted in an irresponsible manner.
When donating a box, why not make backups OR why not allow making 
backups? (phpMySQL allows this)

>>> I'm trying to recover at least some pages and I'm so slowly due the fact 
>> What is the problem?
> MySQL does not start anymore.

Does not sound unfixable.
Please provide contact to box owner, shell access or at least logs of 
what happened.

>> What is the cure?
> I don't know. I think we should drop the wiki and then switching to 
> static pages... I know this is not the best but I don't see any other 
> solution right now.

Did you locate recent cached copies of the wiki?


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