[LinuxPPS] success

Rodolfo Giometti giometti at enneenne.com
Tue Nov 6 10:12:35 CET 2007

On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 07:46:18PM +1000, James Boddington wrote:

> I can now. It is a side effect of having to have the serial port open to 
> get the  interrupts on the dcd line. If there is an assert event and the 
> serial port is  closed before the clear event there will me more assert 
> recorded than clear.
> The day it happened I was using cat /dev/ttyS0 to open the serial port so I 
> would get the interrupts. I am guessing I killed cat after an assert and 
> before   a clear giving me more asserts than clears.
> Have been playing. I got the following by timing when I opened and closed 
> the serial port. I timed it so the serial port was opened after the start 
> of the second. This meant the assert was missed and the port was open long 
> enough to capture the clear event. End result is I have 10 more clear than 
> assert recorded.
> assert 1193993798.999997289#115096
> clear  1193993810.099998731#115106

I see... however this doesn't seem a bug to me, since RFC says nothing
special about clear and assert events numbers but they must be




GNU/Linux Solutions                  e-mail:    giometti at enneenne.com
Linux Device Driver                             giometti at gnudd.com
Embedded Systems                     		giometti at linux.it
UNIX programming                     phone:     +39 349 2432127

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